
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Auction for a Good Cause

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we did and are so blessed by family and friends along with a warm home and abundance in so many ways.

I want to send you today to my art blog for a link to a charity, Stolen Horse International, that is based here in NC but is a national help to our horse friends and families. This is the time of year for their annual fundraising auction and you can not only help support thier mission but get a start on your shopping for the horse loving friend or family member on your Christmas list.

We have donated a hand painted cookie plate shown here and there are dozens more incredible items to choose from. See you there!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Low Center Pieces

I'm working on my Turkey Day "to do" list this week like all of you, and am hoping I can get it all done without a hitch! I try to keep things simple, because I've discovered over the years that time spent with friends and family are much more important and memorable than whether my floors sparkeled or my decorations were perfect.

With that said, I have a couple of center pieces to show you that you can make in a matter of a few minutes. If you have children you can  take a nature walk with them and collect your supplies.

When I have guests I don't like peeking around a tall center piece to talk to or see them. I've always preferred something low flanked with candles on each end.  If you have an old dough bowl or a trifle bowl, and a few things you can borrow from nature you're good to go.

The first one is made from an old dough bowl that was my  great grandmother's. I've laid down a base of magnolia leaves and sweet annie and lavender dried from my herb garden. Next I layered dried fruit from Walmart ($4.00) with pinecones, walnuts, hickory nuts, acorns and  moss, all free for the taking in the woods around our home. It smells wonderful and is a good alternative to the horn of plenty that my Mom always puts out this time of year. 
The second one is small and still relatively low, made with the same items. The little pumpkins stacked on the crystal candlesticks are carvable from Hobby Lobby. I cut holes for the candles with an exacto knife and inserted the candle into the top pumpkin only.

Simple and easy for your busy week.

Just my two cents...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little something for you...

I've been out of town for several days visiting our daughter so I am behind here at Ranch Dressing and literally at the ranch here at home. Here's a little something until I get cranked back up....

I'm involved in several charitable events already this season and with the items being donated for good causes I am also handing out coupons for folks to use when the shop officially opens in May.

For you...for helping spread the word I am offering the same gift to you...enlarge it by clicking on it first...right click and save this coupon in your documents or pictures file, then when you are ready, print and bring with you when the shop opens. It will entitle you to 10% off you complete purchase from Ranch Dressing. I will be listing things from now until the end of the year in my online shop on Etsy and will honor the coupon there as well with just a mention of seeing the coupon here on the blog. The listing will be shown here  before I list it in the Etsy shop so you will get a heads up of the items before hand.

Feel free to print one for friends as well and help spread the word for us! Thanks a bunch and I will be talking to you later this week.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Slowly but Surely

Things are moving slowly but steady. Each day I do something to get us closer to opening our doors in May. It still sounds like a long way off but in a few weeks, things will really get busy around here with all there is to do around Christmas time and before you know it it will be 2010.

Today I finally made a decision on the banner for the blog which can also be my button for sharing on other blogs. I think she represents us well. Very retro, very cowgirl and very pretty.

I added a description of what I expect the shop to be like. It will grow and evolve, but this is what I'm seeing so far.

I'm still cleaning things from the trailer. The mildew and dust makes me feel horrible on a daily basis. This can truly be called a labor of love. I can't eat or sleep when I'm nauseous and stuffed up. Benedryl and Claritin are my good friends these days.

I have found some great treasures, one being this Roseville piece. It's in near perfect condition with only one tiny crack under the rim. It doesn't go all the way through and doesn't show on the outside. I've never been a collector of Rosville, but have seen many a person get carried away in a bidding war at an estate sale. If you are interested in purchasing it you can contact me by email and we will talk turkey.

Roseville Zepher Lilly Green #132 7
Even though it's not my thing, or my taste, I do appreciate the details and the lovely glazes. It should bring enough to help with my allergy meds!

Just my two cents.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's a Contest

 Western Glamour is sponsoring a contest for the beautiful necklace shown here. It is the creation of Silver Steer Boutique and will end tomorrow, Thursday November 5th....sorry I'm just getting the info out to you...I know it looks like I am trying to make my odds for winning a little better, but I honestly didn't have a minute for blogging before today.

I won't waste your time here telling you the rules...hurry over to Western Glamour and get yourself entered!

Western Glamour Pendant Contest

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Goodies Inside

Here's the scoop on the container...It is packed with a family's life possessions and has been sitting for about 15 one wanted any of it has been waiting all this

I haven't even begun to see everything in there yet. Friday I started with the few boxes at the door and got carried away reading notebooks....Evidently someone in the family was hearing impaired, the Mr. from what I can tell....and the family had saved conversations written in pencil and pen...on composition books, note pads, and even scraps of paper, all packed away in a box. Some of the more important conversations were wrapped carefully in plastic bread bags. These people wasted nothing! That could be a post in itself.

I've got my work cut out for me. As you can see, it's all dusty and in need of much TLC. I am getting a vision, though, of my first open house. I am seeing a very retro 1940's set up. I've already got my friend making aprons for the kitchen section. She got all excited when we started talking about it and threw in the idea of matching hot I'm thinking placemats and curtains.

Tonight I am finishing up the jewelry boxes. I've sorted out what is good and all in one piece and tomorrow I am going to start cleaning it all. There is lots and lots of costume pieces from the 40's - 80's. I can't wait to show you.