
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Hours

It's Official...summertime is here

With that said, you know what all that entails for us country folk...gardens, more animal chores, more watering of gardens and animals, more grass and weeds, making and putting up hay, and lots more auctions, flea markets and yard sales and art shows to attend...this on top of our regular schedule and if we are fortunate and can swing it, more social time with family and friends.

Herb garden outside the shop

...and with all that being said...we are doing the same as last summer since it worked so well...we are going to be open by appointment only until the winter months. You are always MOST WELCOME...just call ahead so that I can plan for your arrival.

Items from a recent auction just down the road...I love those!

The shop is stocked with summer candles, new artisan boxes and clocks along with our newest vintage finds.   If you can't get by the shop, we have a booth at the Thomasville Emporium, which is open 6 days a week. Our booth is #54 and #55, directly behind the coffee shop and before you go through the tunnel...look for the Ranch Dressing banner and twinkle lights.

The Ranch Dressing booth at the Thomasville Emporium
Just for the record...

Summer Hours by appointment only 

Wednesday through Saturday

336-905-0386 call or text

...looking forward to seeing you this summer!

Just my two cents,


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Art with the Alpacas Photos

Just a quick post to share a few photos from Saturday's Art with  the Alpacas show....

What a good day we had...the weather was most cooperative and the shoppers streamed in all day. Thanks again to the LARK artists for including me in their show! I hope to join them again for their Christmas event.

I got to set up right across from the barn. It was fun to watch the alpacas play and run and interact with all the people during the day.

There were two of these beauties guarding the alpacas from the coyotes that are so abundant here. Isn't that a sweet face?

Here they are taking in the music and crowd. I'd love to know what they were thinking.

And here are my girls on display...nice backdrop, huh? Randolph county is famous for it's gorgeous rolling hills.

I introduced a few new boxes...a couple of clocks...

...not the best photos to show them off but I did want to give you a peek.

This is more red than pink actually

One of the new label boxes...a good size for gloves, toiletries...etc...just a good size!

The newest jewelry armoire....for a man this time.

And a cute little box for keeping seed packets through the cute to leave out in your mud room.

Just my two cents for a of the Emporium booth to come later in the week.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Art with the Alpacas....yep!

Crazy right? Well if the alpacas were creating the art...maybe, but not so in this case. The LARK artists of Randolph County are hosting their second annual summer event at the High Meadow Alpaca farm in Asheboro. They have invited me to participate as a guest artist and I am so excited.

I hope you locals will be able to come out to the farm for a fun day of art, food and lots of fun! See you there.

Just my two cents,

Monday, June 4, 2012

Junk Baby has a New Sister

Assemblage Art Doll 
Meet Dream Baby....Junk Baby's new sister. Remember Junk Baby?

Junk Baby

She was my very first art doll...not that I have much experience yet with this fascinating art form...Dream Baby is only my second.

Unlike Junk Baby, Dream Baby is not a swinger...for some reason, my son is extremely creeped out by the swinging doll. Dream Baby is mounted on an old trophy fact, her feminine shaped body is formed by using the trophy itself upside down.

To be honest, he is creeped out by this one as well. I don't get it! To me, she's as sweet as can be...but of course, I am partial...she's my Dream Baby.

Her little skirt is part of an oil lamp and a clock gear elevates her a bit and also connects her to a spool base. She has lots of special embellishments to give her the character that her name suggests.

Dream Baby will live in the shop with Junk Baby until they are adopted out to new families. How wonderful if they could both go together. 

This weekend they both will go with me to Art with the Alpacas show and sale in Asheboro. If you'd like to see us there you can find more information by clicking this link LARK ARTISTS

Just my two cents on a Monday off to put hay in the barn before it rains.