

Welcome to the Junk Ranch! 

This website reflects my love of hand-made, artsy, weathered, twiggy, woody, chippy, cottage-y, leathery, antlers, retro, rusty, cowboy, horsey, kitschy, red, Pendleton blankety, get the picture...obsession that I have.

For half of my life I have collected, bought, and sold items from the above list of my obsessions. Today, I fly by the seat of my pants and do something different everyday. If I'm not out looking for junk, I am making something with the junk I have.

I live on a small farm...aka "the ranch"...with my family and we grow a lot of our own food and make many of the products we use every day...trying to be both sustainable and healthy. Currently, we are helping our daughter renovate a 70 year old cottage style house...see RENOVATION...if you want to follow along.

This website was started as a blog in 2009 to document the transition of my long time career in art and design to opening a handmade and vintage business. I update the blog still, from time to time, with current happenings here at the ranch. There is a wealth of information in the archives ranging from the horrible mistakes I made along the way to what I've been successful in, both in business and just plain living. I hope it can be helpful to you in some way. Enjoy!

* If you found your way here looking for info on my soy candles and how you can get them, please jump over to the SOY CANDLES page.

You can read more about how the Junk Ranch came to be in  MY STORY  

angie (at) thejunkranch (dot) com