
Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's not official until it's Facebook official

 I guess there must be some truth to that!...putting "it" on Facebook makes "it" official...and I haven't made an official statement there about the changes happening here at the ranch...until today with a link to this blog entry.

I had a nice couple stop by over the weekend wanting to shop and only found that my shop has reverted back to mostly a working art studio with a very small sales space reserved for candles, handmade gifts and small vintage items. I hated to disappoint them and I guess I expect that everyone will look at my website for information. My bad! I also am sorry, some others are disappointed that my shop isn't what it used to be, but as time evolves, needs change and we change, hopefully for the better.

Candle lab added to studio
In the back of my shop, I added doors around the first of the February, to screen off an area to use as a downstairs candle lab. This is working so much better than running up and down stairs with armloads of things that need to be washed. I love having the extra space upstairs as well! It's nice having lots of areas designated to specific tasks. I'm very fortunate...some (my husband) would say "spoiled" any rate I'm grateful!

2014 Southern Summer Collection
I have just enough space left in the front to showcase candles and handmade gifts. 

For those that don't already know...I'm not doing occasional sales here this year or keeping shop. I've had so many tell me they missed our spring marketplace sale. I did too, but I didn't miss what it takes to put that together...but thank you so much for telling me. I appreciate your support and kind words!

My time is consumed this year with the renovation of our daughter's house, and the normal day to day of taking care of things here on the farm and the animals. I'm living the life I always wanted, although it's hard work every day. Now the garden is exploding and I will add that to my list for the next month or so. 

Pulled out the peas the peppers can take off 

The corn has grown several feet in the last week

When I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to have a little farm and live a simple life. Simple doesn't mean easy or completely stress free, but it does offer satisfaction at the end of the day and I sleep really  well! 

There are days when I would like to dress in something fashionable, be a shopkeeper in town again and eat lunch out on the cafe sidewalk, but today, I'm happy to be here, having conversation with the dogs and having lunch on the porch.

UPDATE:  Ironically, my friend Lee, there in the tye dye, called and we met for lunch the next day. Be careful what you wish for. This worked out okay!! 

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