Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday's Featured Shop Items 2-18-11

It doesn't seem much like winter here in NC today. We may hit a record 76. Wooohooo! Bring it! It's been a long winter...and I'm a winter person.

It's weather like this that leaves me wondering what to wear for the day. When I head out to feed the animals at 7:00 am it's been between 20 and 30 degrees all week, but by lunchtime I'm peeling away layers and am down to shirtsleeves. No wonder people all around me are sick.

 If I were small enough, and I worked in a place where I had to dress up, I might choose something like this vintage Saks Fifth Avenue dress. It would work with it's 3/4 length sleeved jacket. It's a woven ribbon dress..well, actually I don't know exactly what it's called...but I've heard this term somewhere and it makes sense to me. Anyway, it's gorgeous and it's tiny, maybe a size 0. I don't know what that would have been back in the day; all I know is that it's not my size so I'm offering it to you. I can see it used as decoration or worn.

There were lots of nice clothes in the estate where this came from, but unfortunately they weren't stored where the little mice couldn't get to them. This dress is one of few that made it out in one piece. I thought this telegram was one of the coolest things that I found among all the papers from the same kind of tells the story of why so many nice dresses.

And what good dress doesn't need a tapestry bag to go with cool is this? No, I wouldn't carry it!...but I would hang it open on a hook in our bedroom and keep my latest read in it or maybe in the guest bathroom and stuff some rolled towels in it. Yes, everything needs a purpose here.

Or how about a new spittoon. Now, I'm guessing that not many of you ladies dip snuff...and if you do, don't tell me...but this is a very elegant ladies spittoon. Yes, there is such a thing and yes, they are collectible. So if you know anyone that collects them, send them my way. If it stays here, it will become a fancy vase come spring.

I hope you enjoy this beauty of a day!

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