Salt dough cookie cutter ornament made 20 years ago by my one year old and I
Just a quick little post today about my favorite Christmas tree ornaments. Each year I have intentions of having one of those beautiful trees like you see in magazines and like the ones I did years ago for the Festival of Trees where someone bids on the tree and takes home all the trimmings for the price of a good cause.
...and each year with all my good intentions and new Krebs Bravarian hand blown glass ornaments ready to be displayed...I look at my little hand-made treasures from my grown-up children and know that I can't bear to leave them in the box.
She sings at the top of our tree every year
Toy Soldier Banner
A popular design among teachers...I think we have 4 or 5 of these
I believe this is a framed snowflake
This is quite possibly an original design- at any rate it's a one-of-a-kind
Love, love this one!
...and this one I made.
Hi! While I do have some doggie decorated parents who have a 24 year old (me) still put some of my very first ornaments on a tree.